Installation Considerations
A common question we get from potential clients is whether or not a pool can fit in their backyard. Using the 5 step quick reference guide below, any prospective client can educate themselves on many of the considerations that go into planning for a pool of any kind.
1. Access
Driveways & Space Requirements
Gates & Machine Requirements
Municipal Bylaws

The path from the driveway to the backyard must be clear of obstacles and allow us to transport machinery and aggregates into the back yard, and remove excavated soil from the backyard. Your driveway or boulevard will need to be utilized for trucks, trailers, bins, and aggregates. Anyone thinking of resealing or repaving their driveway should wait until after the pool is constructed. In heavily congested metropolitan areas, permits may need to be acquired to allow us access of the boulevard if the driveway is not an option.
Access is the one of the first considerations for your pool installation. As our machinery requires 36" access minimum, this first step is crucial to planning for your pool. The standard suburban gate is typically 36-40", so there are very few places that our machinery cannot reach. If you have substantially steep steps that descend into a lowered backyard, this is one scenario where machine access may be limited.
The location of your pool is governed by your municipal bylaws. Rules vary from township to township so always review your municipality's website. Most GTA municipality's stipulate that an above ground pool must be 4ft from any given lot line, 6ft from a dwelling door, 15ft from any septic systems, placed in a rear yard, and access gates must have a spring latch. In many locations an above ground pool is considered its own enclosure when taller than 48" (our pool walls are 52"), and therefore any fencing modifications can be avoided. Always check with your local municipality as rules do vary and the above conditions are a general guideline.
2. Leveling & Ground Preparation
Choosing the Right Location
Included Leveling Tolerance
Retaining Walls & Drainage

When deciding on the location of an above ground pool, grading and drainage are very important to the longevity and maintenance of the pool.
Ideally, the pool should be placed in the flattest area of the yard. This will minimize the excavation phase of the pool installation, allow for easier landscaping of the pool area, and allow for better drainage of storm or melt water. The pool should be located away from any large trees or overhead power lines.
In the real world, no backyard is perfectly flat. To reflect this, our pool installations come with 5" of leveling in the base price. Further leveling past this allowance is offered, although it is not included in the base cost. As excavation increases, it is important to note a larger bin may be required to haul away the extra dirt, which can also add to the price.
Pool areas that are substantially out of level (18" or more) will require retaining walls. The retaining wall will separate the dirt from the pool, thus keeping pressure and drainage water away from the pool. Retaining walls can be built economically using wood, or more heavy duty using masonry blocks.
An example of an out of level area (2.5') with a masonry retaining wall in the process of being built can be seen above.
3. Pool Assembly
Filtration Pad Location (Extra Pipe & Trenching)
Styrofoam Pool Cove
Armor Shield Liner Flood Pad

Placing your filtration pad in a well planned out location is very important. Your pump requires electricity, optional heaters require gas, and so forth. If your filtration system needs to be placed against the house or in a certain area in order to be serviced by additional utilities, the cost of extra flex pipe and trenching must be considered. The standard accessory package includes 20ft of flex pipe, which is enough to place the system 10ft from the pool due to the suction and return pipes.
Styrofoam pool cove is a fantastic optional item to add on to any pool installation. This product replaces a standard sand cove, offering long lasting protection against wash out and erosion, all while giving a uniform look to the bottom of the pool. Cove is placed against the pool wall and floor, creating a 45 degree angle wedge, in order to protect the liner from punctures.
Armor Shield liner floor pads are a great way to both protect your liner and soften the feel of the pool floor. The floor pad is applied overtop of the sand bottom, and prevents punctures from both above and below.
4. Landscaping
Decorative Rock Border

It is recommended once your pool has been completed, that a gravel border is placed around the pool to assist with drainage and prevent any damage from lawn mowers. This gravel border should be 1-1.5ft in width. The border can be done economically using 3/4" Clear gravel, or using decorative stone such as Ebony granite or River stone. This is an optional service we can provide, although this also makes for great DIY project for any enthusiastic customers.
Drainage is one of the most important factors in the longevity of your above ground pool. If your pool location, soil conditions, or excavation depth create a negative slope towards your pool, this will need to be corrected with a drainage system. This can be planned and costed for in advance in order to best protect your pool.
Decking the pool is a process that will only able to be started once the pool has been installed. However, planning proper pool placement and planning during the brainstorming stage can make your future decking plans easier and optimize yard space. Ask us about our decking guides from our manufacturer.
5. Customer Responsibilities
Pool Enclosure Permit
Utilities (If Required)

A valid pool enclosure permit must be provided to us prior to commencement of installation. Using our yard inspection form as a guide, getting a permit for your pool is a breeze. If at any point you may need a hand with your application, we are just a phone call away.
Filling the pool can be via two methods. The simplest method is to use your garden hose. This method allows for a slow, even stretch in your pool's liner, making it the go to option in the cooler spring and fall season. The faster method (required for those on well water) is via water truck. We can make a referral for the right water supplier at the best price in your area.
Standard filtration systems (pump, filter, chlorinator) only require one GFCI 15A outlet, so no additions are typically required. For more complex filtration systems (pump, filter, heater, saltwater chlorinator, ionizer, etc.) you will require dedicated outlets. Heater installations do not include a gas line as this must be install by a licensed gas technician by law.